Princess Ileana, 14, is the youngest daughter of Queen Marie of Romania and King Ferdinand I of Romania.
Dunedin paving
Some important works are now being carried out by the City Corporation. A large number of men connected with the public works, water, and gas departments are at present employed in the vicinity of Rattray street, where another block is to to laid down in concrete and asphalt. The asphalt paving will be continued from Rattray street along Cumberland, Vogel, Crawford, and Bond streets, to Water street. Water street will also be paved. This work should greatly improve the traffic conditions in this locality. No doubt the corporation will extend the paving farther south as finances permit. Paving work is also being carried out at the Gardens corner. The Gardens gates are to be shifted back from the Main North road, and the road itself is to be widened from 40ft to 66ft. This work is necessary to enable a starting place to be made for the motor buses which are to run to the Opoho district. Water mains and gas mains are also being overhauled, and when they are showing signs of wear new pipes are being installed. The post and telegraph workmen are carrying out alterations in connection with the rearranging of the lay-out .

Numbering highways
"Could you give my club any information as to the intention of the Highways Board with regard to the numbering of highways," asks the Otago Motor Club, in a letter to the South Island Motor Union. "It has been stated in the press that the board intended to number all the highways. We would like to know whether it is for departmental purposes only, or for the information and use of those traversing the different routes it is proposed to mark. The colour scheme, when worked through, would of course do away with the necessity of numbers being used on the respective highways. We would like this information for our meeting on November 28."
An early morning blaze
A disastrous fire occurred at Kaitangata at half-past 3 yesterday morning, when a block of buildings in Exmouth street, near the Globe Hotel, was totally destroyed. The block consisted of four shops, occupied by Miss Edith Shaw (fruiterer), who also conducted a tea-room, and Mr David M'Ghee, storekeeper and draper. The building, which also contained a meeting room and office, belonged to Mr Peter Robertson, and was insured for £450 in the State office. Mr M’Ghee was insured for £300 in the Yorkshire office, and Miss Shaw’s property was also insured, but the amount and the name of the office were not available last night. The fire, which was discovered by Mr Charles Thomas, had a firm hold over the building when the brigade arrived, and every effort was made to get it under control. Had it not been for a brick wall and for the endeavours of the firemen it is quite possible that the shop occupied by Mr Peter Souness (chemist) would have been destroyed also. The outbreak originated in Mr M’Ghee’s shop.
The garden of Otago
There is good reason for believing that the Taieri Agricultural Society has taken a fresh lease of life, if one is to gauge the position from the success of, and the interest taken in, the sixty-third annual show, which was held at Outram on Saturday, when there was a record attendance. It is questionable if there is any other agricultural society in the dominion which can claim the credit of having held 63 annual exhibitions. In any case, it is a record of which those controlling its destinies can justly be proud, and one can only hope that the rejuvenation will be maintained and the Taieri Show again take its position in the front rank of agricultural displays. There are various reasons why this is quite within the bounds of possibility. The Taieri Plain has always been looked upon as one of the richest districts in the dominion . . . there is such an extent of rich agricultural land on these plains as to justify the claim this old-settled district may still be regarded as the garden of Otago.
— ODT 20.11.23.