A disastrous fire

Between half-past 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday morning a disastrous fire broke out in Kaitangata, and raged practically unchecked (the township has no fire brigade service) for over three hours.

The fire destroyed half of the buildings on one side of the street, including six shops, two offices, and a dwelling.

The following is a list of the places totally destroyed:

Jas. Hislop's bakery, with dwelling attached, the latter being occupied by D. Armishaw and Peter Davis.

The shop of Messrs G. and D. Middlemass, builders and ironmongers.

The shop occupied by A. Jarvie, tobacconist and hairdresser.

The shop occupied by Mark Myers, tailor and outfitter.

The shop occupied by W. Paterson, bootmaker and drapery store.

Office occupied by Messrs D. Stewart and Son, solicitors, of Balclutha.

Offices occupied by National Bank of New Zealand.

Fortunately, the morning was very calm. Had there been the least wind the buildings on the opposite side of the street must have caught fire; and even as it was the fire raged so fiercely, and the heat was so intense, that the greatest difficulty was experienced in saving them.

By the time the fire had obtained a good hold the alarm had spread and a crowd gathered.

A bucket brigade was formed, and water was passed in buckets from the river, and thrown on the buildings where it was anticipated it would prove most useful.

It was soon realised that it was practically hopeless to fight the fire, and the band of willing workers directed its efforts to preventing the flames spreading across the street.

Messrs McGruer, Taylor, and Co's large store, directly opposite the conflagration, caught fire once or twice, but this outbreak was quickly extinguished.

• At the annual meeting of the Dunedin Savings Bank Trustees it was decided to reduce the rate of interest charged on loans from 5 1/2 to 5 per cent.

The balance sheet shows that during last year the withdrawals exceeded the deposits by £2340 2s 5d.

The amount received from depositors was £44,333 17s 2d, the withdrawals £46,673 19s 7d.

The amount standing to the credit of depositors on December 31 was £107,731 14s 6d.

There are 2449 depositors, who have to their credit £107,731 14s 6d.

- ODT, 31.1.1910.

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