Gisborne girl murdered
Gisborne, January 29: A brutal crime was reported to the police this morning, a girl named Murray, aged 14 years, being apparently outraged and murdered. The girl was sent last night to collect the mail at Makaraka. She called at a grocery store, and left for home about 8 o’clock, this being the last occasion on which she was seen alive. The girl did not arrive home.

‘ODT’ publisher to promote NZ
Sir George and Lady Fenwick will leave by the Maunganui this evening on a trip to the United States and Great Britain. Sir George Fenwick proposes to lecture on his tour about New Zealand. His lectures will be illustrated by a large number of slides of the principal cities, of pastoral and farming life and of the dominion’s manufactures and other industries. These will be diversified by slides showing the beautiful scenery of New Zealand. A fine series displaying the attractions provided at the Hermitage (Mount Cook) in winter, an interesting selection of views depicting Maori life at Rotorua and some good pictures of New Zealand birds will be shown. Sir George has been furnished with an excellent selection of slides by the Minister in Charge of Tourists and Health Resorts (Mr Nosworthy), who has taken considerable interest in Sir George Fenwick’s voluntary and self-imposed intention of doing what he can to bring the attractions of New Zealand under the notice of the American people as far as his short stay in the United States will permit.
Health restructuring announced
An important announcement dealing with the reorganisation of the Department of Health was made yesterday by the Minister of Health (the Hon Sir Maui Pomare). The reorganisation will not affect the public hospitals side of the department’s activities, which will be carried on as now by the head office dealing direct with the hospital boards. On the public health side of the department, however, it is desired to put into operation a more effective policy of decentralisation and co-ordination, and it is proposed, as the necessity may arise, to strengthen the district staffs. For this purpose the reorganisation proposed will come fully into effect on April 1, 1924. The dominion will be divided into four health districts, having district headquarters at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Each district office shall supervise and co-ordinate all the activities of the department within its health district. The medical officer of health shall be the department’s administrator for the district, and shall exercise a general supervision over all departmental activities and the officers working in his district, except in the case of the consumptive sanatoria at Otaki and Pukeora, and the King George V Hospital at Rotorua and the Queen Mary Hospital at Hanmer. These institutions, being part of the hospital system of the dominion, will continue to deal direct with the head office. The medical officer of health shall exercise full supervision and control in the case of the medical and nursing service to the Maoris, St Helen’s Hospitals and staffs, the clerical and office staff, nurses, inspectors of health, district nurses and midwives.
— ODT, 30.1.1924 (Compiled by Peter Dowden)