New Dominion in fine form

The Owaka football team, winners of the South Otago senior rugby banner, 1908. - Otago Witness,...
The Owaka football team, winners of the South Otago senior rugby banner, 1908. - Otago Witness, 11.11.1908.
In a leading article commenting on the first anniversary of the elevation of New Zealand to the status of a Dominion, the Glasgow Herald commented somewhat critically on the public debt, and on the daring character of New Zealand legislation, expressing the opinion that it would not be safe to judge the outcome for, say, 20 years.

The Dominion speedily found a champion in Mr Gilbert Anderson, who says: "It is true that the public debt is £64,000,000, but you do not mention the fact that this is invested in profitable undertakings -railways, advances to settlers, purchase of land for settlement all of which are self-supporting and remunerative.

"The balance spent on roads and bridges, if not paying directly, cannot be said to be unremunerative.

"The exports, which are 18 per head of population, are the largest of any country in the world.

"The land laws are framed on the most liberal basis to encourage settlement.

"The farmers are noted for their prosperity.

"The people earn wages from two to three times greater than is paid here.

"The cost of living to the working man is less than in Scotland or England."

- ODT, 13.11.1908

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