Several inquiries have been made regarding the granting of water rights for this purpose, and it is anticipated that there will be considerable development in this direction in the near future.
During the past year the mining industry has been carried on with its accustomed vigour and on the whole with satisfactory results.
There is a slight decrease, amounting in value to £16,712, in the bullion production from our goldfields.
This small decrease is, however, more than counter-balanced by a substantial increase in the output from our coal mines.
Considerable activity prevails on the bituminous coalfields of the West Coast, where new collieries on a large scale, including the No. 2 State colliery at Seven-mile Creek, are in process of development.
The output from the new properties, together with that of the mines at present operating, will be capable of providing all the coal required in the Dominion.
There has been an unprecedented fall in the export of kauri gum, amounting to 207,090.
This is attributed to a cheaper substitute being employed in the manufacture of varnish in Europe and America.
• The following notes from the Nevis field are from the Cromwell Argus: - The Crewe No. 2 got a very substantial return again last week, and the Crewe No. 1 is doing very much better since it commenced this season.
The Lower Nevis dredge is still getting good payable returns, and it is rumoured that another dredge is likely to be put on just below Scott's coalpit.
The Nevis High Lead Hydraulic Company has been working lately near Renshaw's house, and it is reported they are doing much better, but they have some large stones to contend with, which necessitates a good deal of blasting.
The Lower Nevis Hydraulic has had good wash-ups this season, but they are off the gold at present. - ODT, 1.12.1909.