The planned 948sqm building was expected to cost about $5 million including a sealed car park.
The hub would replace the existing rugby clubrooms and hall and would have a hall capable of seating 200, a meeting room, commercial kitchen, bar, changing rooms and house the toy library as well as a gym.
A Central Otago District Council spokeswoman said the closing date for the tender had been extended from last Thursday until Monday.
Last month, the Vincent Community Board recommended to the council that it add up to $1.6 million to the draft long-term plan 2025-34 towards the hub, which would be funded either by debt or from reserves.
A report from council property officer Tara Bates said the Manuherikia Valley Charitable Trust would continue fundraising, but they would be able to commit to beginning the build and avoid increased costs that could occur during a delay.
The council met yesterday to discuss its draft long-term plan consultation document which will be released for public consultation in mid-March for about a month.