Plan submissions pour in

Tennis courts, golf, relocating Cromwell's information centre and redeveloping Molyneux Park are the main issues covered in submissions to the Central Otago District Council's long term plan.

The council's corporate services manager, Heather Kinsey, said 250 submissions about the plan had been received by yesterday afternoon.

Submissions closed at noon but she expected a few more to come in as mail from outlying areas was collected.

The key issues were upgrading the Cromwell golf course, building a new visitor information centre in Cromwell, tennis courts at Pioneer Park, in Alexandra, and changes to Molyneux Park.

"Staff are still going through all the submissions, but they appear to be the main issues," Mrs Kinsey said.

Community boards will consider any matters from their respective areas at their meetings this month and make recommendations to the council.

The council will consider the long term plan at its June 24 meeting.

The number of submissions to the plan was similar to the number received in other years, she said.


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