Business views on parking sought

Oamaru's outdated and now unreliable parking pay-and-display machines have to be replaced, and...
Oamaru's outdated and now unreliable parking pay-and-display machines have to be replaced, and Oamaru businesses are being asked what with. Photo by David Bruce.
Oamaru businesses are being surveyed about what should replace the town's ageing parking pay-and-display machines, which they pay for through a special rate.

The machines, installed in 2002 in the central business area, have now reached the end of their lives, are costing more to maintain, and parts are hard to get.

The Waitaki District Council, which leases the machines, plans to pull them out and has a consultant's report which examines five options for replacing them.

Four options are for replacing the machines and increasing parking fees, or areas, to cover the higher cost; and one is having free parking with strictly enforced time limits.

The North Otago committee of the Otago Chamber of Commerce wants to hear the views of businesses.

About 300 businesses pay the special business rate, part of which goes to parking. The branch had a meeting with businesses on August 11, but only 10 of the businesses were represented.

It has sent out a survey, which it wants back by Monday. The survey asks businesses how parking should be funded, how much parking fees should be and how other business area activities should be funded.

It then asks businesses to indicate, if the machines were to be replaced, what parking times should be, charges for parking on side streets and if parking meters should be extended, including to the north-end shopping centre.

The survey also asks for views on the various options, including time-restricted free parking, along with what the time restrictions should be on Thames St, side streets and off-street parking.

Businesses have a chance to comment on other parking issues.

The chamber will use results of the survey to prepare its recommendation to the council.

Council assets group manager Neil Jorgensen indicated the council wanted to make a decision next month on parking. It could be possible to have a year's trial of time-restricted free parking before a final decision was made on putting in new pay-and-display machines.


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