Those with the gift of the gab will be in heaven next month, when the Wakatipu's first Pecha Kucha Night is held in the Athenaeum Hall, in Arrowtown.
Japanese for "chit chat", Pecha Kucha is a worldwide phenomenon, seeing the creative community taking the lecture out of lecture series.
The rapid-fire presentation will involve eight to 14 outspoken, creative types, limited to the "20 x 20 Pecha Kucha rule".
Each speaker will only be allowed to present 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds, which results in a fast-paced 6min 40sec presentation.
Organiser Renee Tanner, who is based in Auckland but was raised in Queenstown, said Pecha Kucha was founded by Tokyo-based architects Mark Dythan and Astrid Klein, as a way to avoid "boring talks by architects".
The format made it impossible for presenters to drag on with "painful, long-winded slideshows" and the 20 x 20 rule kept presentations concise and interest levels up.
"Pecha Kucha is a fun night out, a mix of the old-fashioned slide show and public lecture.
"It's a great chance for the audience to experience an exhilarating variety of ideas and projects.
"And with a line-up of presenters like those participating in Queenstown's very first event, the night promises to be entertaining for all," Ms Tanner said.
Pecha Kucha presenters came from a range of industries and in Queenstown would include artists and designers, musicians and business owners.
Ms Tanner said the list of presenters was growing by the day, but so far those confirmed were:Design blogger Julia Atkinson, architect Rafe McLean, artist Deidre Copeland, Blackplanet's Joe and Caleb Cowie, architect and artist Stacey Farrell, Doug Jacques of Joe's Garage and designer Michael Sly.
"Essentially, Pecha Kucha is an opportunity for both presenters and their audience to get a broader appreciation of their local creative scene," Ms Tanner said.
"The Pecha Kucha format has become a worldwide phenomenon, with over 250 cities hosting these events.
"There is no restriction on the type of content that can be presented, so audiences should be prepared for an evening packed with surprises from Queenstown's creative scene."
The Pecha Kucha Night will be held on December 3 at the Athenaeum Hall, with doors open from 7.30pm.
Tickets cost $8, with cash-only door sales, and the entertainment will begin promptly at "20.20" - 8.20pm.
Ms Tanner said Pecha Kucha acknowledged the support of the Central Lakes Trust, Creative Communities New Zealand, the Queenstown Lakes District Council and Peregrine Winery, which would provide a bar for the evening.
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