Feedback sought on zone change

Wanaka's Ballantyne Rd industrial area seen from the air. Photo by Matthew Haggart.
Wanaka's Ballantyne Rd industrial area seen from the air. Photo by Matthew Haggart.
A council plan change to extend the boundaries of Wanaka's Ballantyne Rd industrial area is being put out for the public to consider.

The Queenstown Lakes District Council wants to extend the existing industrial area by an additional 20ha to cater for growth predicted during the next decade.

Council strategy committee chairwoman Cr Gillian Macleod said public consultation is being sought to gather feedback about proposals for infrastructure services, such as water and sewage, landscaping, parking, and traffic and travel implications.

The plan change proposes creating industrial zoning on Frederick St, currently zoned as rural general and land between Frederick St and Gordon Rd.

A plan change hearing meeting would take place after the public consultation process had been completed.

Feedback to the council should be made by July 22, Ms McLeod said

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