School back under own governance

Wendy Bamford
Wendy Bamford
Wanaka Primary School will return to self-governance today following a long period of Ministry of Education intervention.

In a letter sent to parents on Tuesday, ministry-appointed commissioner Terri Johnstone welcomed to the school its new board of trustees members - Melissa Ashby, Jude Battson, Andrew Howard, Glenys Wilson and staff representative Jennie Croxford.

Mrs Johnstone said the new board would take effect from today following a ''seamless'' transition. She said

she had ''100% confidence in the governance and management'' of the school.

She had enjoyed her time as commissioner and wished principal Wendy Bamford and the new board well.

''Wanaka Primary School is a high-achieving school ... with a supportive parent and staff community,'' she wrote in an an email to media.

In January 2014, the ministry appointed limited statutory manager Cleave Hay to the school, to address governance issues.

After the resignation of five board trustees, the remaining board members wrote to the ministry requesting the appointment of a commissioner.

The request was supported by Mr Hay, whose appointment was revoked on June 12 last year and Mrs Johnstone was appointed to the school the same day.

Dr Bamford told the Otago Daily Times it had been ''business as usual'' since Mrs Johnstone took office and in that time the school had completed stage three of its hall and started building a seventh pod of classrooms.

''I am looking forward to returning to self-governance and working with the new trustees and once we have had initial training from STA [New Zealand School Trustees Association] and a settle-in time working together, we will start strategic planning based on community consultation and a needs analysis,'' Dr Bamford said.

The school had received no more than the required number of nominations for its new board so did not require an election.

The board will meet today to elect a chairman.

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