Rec centre master plan project being tendered

Thunes Cloete.
Thunes Cloete
The first step has been taken in creating a master plan for the expansion of the Queenstown and Wanaka recreation centres over the next 20 years and beyond.

The Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) is tendering the project, which will consider the development of existing and potential sites and how to future-proof the district’s sport and recreation facilities against forecast population growth.

Council community services general manager Thunes Cloete said the master plan would flesh out the $12 million in spending outlined in the latest 10-year plan.

That included two more indoor courts, a multi-use artificial turf and upgraded gym and  fitness facilities.

The Wanaka Recreation Centre master plan would be "refreshed" to complement the $12.3 million pool facilities, which opened in June.

"As well as a significant building programme, we’re looking to provide a balance between organised sports and more informal uses of the sites such as walking, running and biking trails, and open spaces for activities like family picnics." 

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