Export lamb prices

Spring lambs brought export prices at this week's Balclutha stock sale.

Hoggets maintained last week's prices while prime ewes gained $2-$4 per head.

Organic ewes with lambs at foot sold well.

Prices were:

Prime Sheep
Heavy woolly spring lambs: $97-$100; medium $90-$94; light $83-$87.
Heavy shorn hoggets: $109-$129; medium $92-$101; light $83-$88.
Heavy adult ewes: $60-$65; medium $54 - $57; light $42-$49.

Store sheep
Coopworth mixed aged ewes with lambs at foot, medium organic stock: $50.50.
Crossbred mixed sex hoggets top: $55; medium $48-$50; light: $21-$41.



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