Podcast helps with careers

If steering a path through your professional life can often resemble navigating uncharted waters, full of uncertainty and indecision, a new podcast and radio show on OAR FM might be able to help.

Pick a Path Podcast, hosted by career development specialist Sonja Passmore, features conversations with experts, entrepreneurs and innovators and addresses some of the tough questions about the job market.

Ms Passmore said she wanted to help people manage their way through their careers, no matter what stage they were at.

"They could be students, or have been in employment for a long time and wanting a shift.

"It’s all about finding some really small steps that people can take to move forward."

"We’re heading into a really interesting time with technology and AI, and I think there’s going to be an element of upskilling for the majority of us.

"We’ll definitely have some conversations around that."

This week’s guest is Becky Jane Fox, a purpose-driven entrepreneur who turned her vision into a multi million-dollar business.

Starting with nothing at 22, Becky now mentors others, focusing on sustainable and ethical practices.

Pick a Path Podcast airs on 105.4FM and 1575AM on Thursdays at 5.30pm. Podcasts are available from oar.org.nz and other major platforms.

By Jeff Harford, 
Community Liaison, OAR FM