So it wasn’t a very wise thing to do, and obviously it is quite high, so could have been dangerous for him.
There have been some noise complaints that have led to stereos being confiscated.
Noise complaints begin by phoning Noise Control on (03) 477-4000, and a noise control officer will visit to assess if the noise is excessive.
If another complaint is received within 72 hours and the noise is not reduced, the stereo could be seized by police.
We had a case of suspected grave robbers in the Green Island Cemetery, who turned out instead to be young boys building BMX jumps.
It is good that young people were getting outside and getting some exercise, but it was the wrong place to be digging.
I have been in Wellington along with six staff from the Southern region helping with protests in the centre of the city.
So far it has been peaceful, but we are taking a cautious approach.
Obviously, the protesters in the Octagon are still there, but it is up to the Dunedin City Council to ask police if it wants them moved on.