Computers to oust teachers: Apple founder

Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak
Teachers will likely be replaced by humanised computers so advanced they can read and consciously respond to students' voices, faces and interests within decades, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says.

The once-shy electronics whiz kid who formed the computing juggernaut with Steve Jobs in 1976 says the exponential growth of modern technology has changed his long-held belief that computers could never achieve humanoid intelligence.

"I just said no, that's ridiculous, the brain works in totally different ways ... it's just not going to happen. Now I've come around, and I see that yes, it is going to happen," Wozniak told a packed Melbourne Convention Centre on Wednesday.

In a speech to thousands of people from 48 countries at the World Human Resources Congress, the man credited with inventing the first personal computer said he's passionate about education and driving its improvement through technology.

"Teachers, people, are kind of expensive, but computers are affordable teachers," Wozniak said.

"It hasn't really happened with our computer software ... because a computer hasn't come to have a personality yet.

"I think (it will) once computers have feelings and look at a student's face and understand what kind of jokes and what kind of words to say and how fast to speak, and when a student's having problems, to back up and re-explain.

"Once we have that conscious computer, that'll happen, but it's probably like 40 years out ... but I want to feel that I have a part in changing education dramatically some day."

Wozniak, who quit Apple in 1987, said the world's school systems had long failed to encourage students to think inventively, recalling how as a boy, he had to learn the capital cities of all the USA's 50 states.

"When in my life have I ever needed to use this sort of knowledge?" he said.

"What they call education in schools may not be what applies to entrepreneurship and bringing innovation into products and companies.

"The right answer in school is always the same as everyone else, and is not your answer; it didn't come out of your own thinking and your own head."

He said a one-teacher-per-student system would better cater to students' individual needs.

He voiced his gratitude for both his father and his high school electronics teacher, saying they fostered his love of technological

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