Beyond (Circa)
Regent Theatre
Friday, October 10
The company's philosophy is driven by emotion and spirituality, not by the use of show-stopping ''spectacles''.
Circa has created a wonderful world of a cabaret-styled circus, enriched with luscious red velvet curtains, silk and, above all, strength.
Beyond is tempting, endearing and utterly engaging in its thoughtfulness, tenderness and energy. It is intimate and up close and personal; this is one circus where there is no place for boundary issues.
The performers' bodies are their craft and apparatus, the employ of which being one where gender serves no role or limitation - the dismissal of gender-defining roles or lines is refreshing.
Not only does Beyond combine the more classic circus act - the Chinese poles or trapeze - with the more unexpected - bunny heads, giant rubber bands and a Rubik's cube - it also blends tradition with popular culture and a soundtrack so diverse it included Sinatra, Bonnie Tyler, The Sex Pistols and Nick Cave.
Particular mention must be made of the use of Nick Cave. The wonderful cover of The Ship Song provided the perfect background for the silks.
This performance had just the right amount of sensuality and sexiness to it, yet that never took away from the immense skill of the artist. For many, this was the highlight.
This piece was a complete display of the human body's capabilities: its agility, nimbleness and sensitivity. Unabashed, Beyond certainly plays up the ridiculous and gives the performers a chance to get in touch with their inner animal, but it is a real platform to show the many facets of personal strength. This company draws the audience into its world of blurred lines.
For 70 minutes, the viewer is transported between ''madness and sanity, between logic and dream''.
- Reviewed by Penny Neilson