The podcasts are being released over four weeks, with the first five out now.
Crossing Genres
From paranormal romance to crime thrillers, The New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh spoke to Kirby-Jane Hallum about how and why she has crossed genres, and her three most recent releases: Alpha Night, Archangel’s Sun, and Quiet in Her Bones.
NZ Crime – What's Going On?
Jared Savage and Steve Braunias tackled some of the big questions about crime in New Zealand, and what they learned in the process of writing about it. With Rob Kidd.
Navigating the Stars – Māori Creation Myths – with Witi Ihimaera and Jacinta Ruru
Witi Ihimaera spoke with Jacinta Ruru about his latest book, Navigating the Stars: Māori Creation Myths, in which he traces the history of Māori people through their creation myths, bringing them to the twenty-first century.
Things OK with You? – with Vincent O’Sullivan and Lynn Freeman
Lynn Freeman sat down with Vincent O’Sullivan to talk about his recent work, including his new collection of poems Things OK with You? and of course the biographical portrait, Ralph Hotere: The Dark is Light Enough.
The Books that Made Me – with Kyle Mewburn, Rose Carlyle, and Nalini Singh, hosted by Bridget Schaumann
Rose Carlyle, Nalini Singh, and Kyle Mewburn read an excerpt from a significant childhood story and spoke about the shaping effect it has had on their adulthood. Hosted by Bridget Schaumann.
We’re grateful to Copyright Licensing NZ for funding these podcasts.