Wishbone Walk fundraiser

Southland Hospital’s orthopaedic team is inviting all present and former patients and their whānau to the Southland Wishbone Walk, a behind-the-scenes orthopaedic walking tour and open day.

It is part of a national series of walks raising money for the Wishbone Orthopaedic Research Foundation of New Zealand.

The Southland Wishbone Walk will take people on a behind-the-scenes tour of Orthopaedics at Southland Hospital, so they can see equipment and prosthetics, and learn more about treating patients with broken bones and other orthopaedic conditions.
There will be walking involved but it will not be strenuous, and is just one part of a relaxed and interesting afternoon.

The public are welcome to attend on Saturday 15 May, from 1.00pm to 3.00pm at Southland Hospital.


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