On Thursday, the Seasons cookbook had its official launch in Dunedin at The Shelter, celebrating Alison Lambert, a cherished Otago Daily Times food writer for almost 15 years. Created alongside the...
The skirl of the pipes will fill the Octagon Saturday November 30, as the biannual St Andrews Day celebrations bring Dunedin’s Scottish heritage to the fore. Everything from have a go Highland Games...
Get prepped for Christmas at Albany St Pharmacy! Albany Street Pharmacy 27 Albany Street, Dunedin NorthP: 03 477 5115W: albanyst. co. nzE: info@albanyst. co. nz
Get prepped for Christmas at Alex Campbell! Alex Campbell Menswear187 King Edward Street, South DunedinP: 03 455 3280W: alexcampbellmenswearE: acmsouthdunedin@outlook. com
Get prepped for Christmas at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery! Dunedin Public Art Gallery30 Octagon, DunedinP: 03 474 3240W: dunedin. art. museumE: dpagmail@dcc. govt. nz
Get prepped for Christmas at Toitu! Toitu Otago Settlers Museum31 Queens Gardens, Central DunedinP: 03 477 5052W: toituosm. comE: toituosm@dcc. govt. nz
Get prepped for Christmas at Dunedin City Pharmacy! Dunedin City Pharmacy22 Princes Street, Central DunedinP: 03 477 0501W: dunedincitypharmacyE: dispensary@dcpharmacy. nz
Get prepped for Christmas at Fable Dunedin! Fable Dunedin310 Princes Street, Central DunedinP: 03 477 1145W: hotels/fable-dunedinE: reservations@hotelfitzroy. co. nz
Get prepped for Christmas at Health 2000 Sunray! Health 2000 SunrayShop 17, Centre City Mall, 133 Great King Street NorthP: 03 474 1462W: health2000. co. nzE: ...
Get prepped for Christmas at Hype Dunedin! Hype Dunedin328 George Street, Central DunedinP: 03 479 2277W: hypedunedin. co. nzE: info@hypedunedin. co. nz