Extreme fitness challenge: It's Judgement Day. My final test.

Me taking in some long, deep breaths!
Me taking in some long, deep breaths!
Judgment day web definition:
Judgment Day: a day at the end of time following Armageddon when the fitness Gods will decree the fates of all individual trainees.

I added my own little spin on this but that kind of sums how I feel today.

So here I am. My final day.

I roll out of bed at 5:30am, rise and shine (actually I was wide awake at around 2am this morning . . . I think I'm taking this whole thing far too seriously).

My final day at tribefit for the season and my final blog post for you guys.

Made sure that I gulped down my ‘up and go' this morning! Need my fuel for today, that's for sure.

On my drive down there I had a lot of thoughts rolling around, like, will Alannah throw in some kind of nasty surprise during the fitness test? (shudder).

A little bit sad because it's been such a cool journey, and for me to take a big step outside of my comfort zone and do this kind of thing is huge, not to mention having an audience following along with me! You'll recall in my early posts I mentioned that I'm not ‘that girl' that has exercise in her DNA, I don't enjoy exercise enough for me to do it on my own, it generally takes a lot of will power.

I like to go out with my friends, drink and be merry but most of all spend time with my daughter, going and doing stuff with her and exercise is very far down the list for me.

I'm also a little bit anxious that I won't finish, yet there are a few people who are expecting me to cut my initial time! To be honest I'd be over the moon just to finish that damn test that nearly killed me the first time around.

Initially, I got into this whole thing as a bit of a giggle at myself. Sort of like when I was awarded class sports captain in my year 12 which was a joke because the whole class knew I sucked at any kind of sports activity!

My fellow classmates thought it was hysterical. My form teacher (aka "the PE teacher") didn't find it so amusing. (below pre-test catchup)

This morning we will be doing the exact same routine as when I arrived on day 1. Although this time I was able to do a warm-up, whereas my first day I turned up late so there was no time for that. (below Phil explains the workout for today) 

The normal warm-up which in itself is a whole exercise programme then straight into it.

It's fitness test time: Let's get it on! 

Round 1:
10 burpees
10 squats
Run around the block- 800m

Round 2:
20 burpees
20 squats
Run around the block- 800m

Round 3:
30 burpees
30 squats
Run around the block- 800m

Final Two Exercises:
40 burpees
40 squats

I started off feeling very strong, able to carry out a conversation during the run which is a tell-tale sign from my body that I'm feeling good. (below are some clips of me working my way through the test - you can probably tell I'm not having fun by the second round!)

Then on the second round, I started to feel a little bit of pain. It's really hard for me to push through that stuff as I'm a bit of a baby. But with Phil constantly on my hammer I was able to get through that. 

He was great. Full of the right things to say to keep you going and pushing on without stopping.

To keep on moving is the key. By the final 40 burpees I had that hideous overheated, burning up, fighting for breath, legs burning, knees giving in combo but I needed to finish.

So by this final stage, Phil and I were going one for one with burpees, taking turns. It actually made it easier doing it that way.

Now by this stage everyone else had finished 5 minutes ago and like true tribefit style the team came in and supported me with my remaining squats. (video down below).

So much emotion, so stoked to finish!!! Love the crew!

The season finished off with the wonderful Alannah (who told us that she'd been up since 4:00am baking) bringing in an amazing cake! How's that for an ending eh! I love food that is bad for me!

So how did I finish up?

I went into the first fitness test where I failed to complete with a time of 36:06. This time I completed it and with a great time of 27:07.

Not only did I finish the whole test but I shaved 11 minutes off my overall time! (which I was told was an incredible result) Elation! And complete knackeredness. (below are the final results on the whiteboard)

I've signed up for the next season which kicks off on the 21st January so I'm looking forward to that!

Thank you to everybody for all the lovely messages of support and encouragement.

It has certainly helped me get there xx

Emma Rastrick signing off... (Below is me finishing my final workout with the team and post-workout talk) 


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