March 26 to April 6

Wahine Mātātoa: The (Mostly) True Story Of Erihāpeti Pātahi
A time-travelling comedy in which our protagonist, Elizabeth, visits the stories of her high-born, high-spirited Kāi Tahu tūpuna, seeking clues to navigating the future while holding on to her dreams.

Comedian Te Radar interrogates why we once disguised mutton as poultry, and why Alison Holst thought fried brains were the perfect food for children, among other pressing culinary questions.

Maxi Blaha returns to Dunedin with a homage to femme fatale Alma Mahler and her doomed relationship with the poet and bohemian Franz Werfel. It’s a rich portrait of a central figure of Viennese Modernism.

Pōtaka Nautilus and Pepe return with a hybrid fusion of dance, music, theatre and cinema, highlighting the power of the arts to raise awareness of global ecological issues.

Jennifer Ward-Lealand and Michael Hurst in an intimate, humorous and moving love story exploring the effects of Alzheimer’s disease and the transformative power of music.

UK singer-performer Sarah-Louise Young’s and Russel Lucas’ award-winning chaotic cult cabaret rejoices in the raw and fearlessly pioneering artistry of one of the most influential voices in pop culture.