Lunch for those alone at Christmas time

Maureen  McKay (left) and Joy Davies  are preparing for East Taieri Church's fifth  Christmas day...
Maureen McKay (left) and Joy Davies are preparing for East Taieri Church's fifth Christmas day free lunch at the Mosgiel RSA. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
The fifth annual Mosgiel Christmas lunch will be held at the Mosgiel RSA on Christmas day.

East Taieri Church community facilitator Joy Davis and Mosgiel RSA support adviser Maureen McKay are organised the event for people who would have been spending Christmas alone.

''It's open to people who are on their own or finding Christmas a challenge for any other reason,'' Mrs Davis said.

They said that could include couples or others who did have family to spend Christmas with.

The lunch will also feature carol-singing and gift-giving.

Ms McKay said last year's Christmas lunch was attended by 136 people. The lunch

is fully funded by a local trust.

The RSA is also undergoing renovations to make the building more accessible to families.

''The core values will always be RSA, but it's also about the RSA becoming a community hub,'' Ms McKay said.

- Ben Tomsett

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