No problems with bends: engineer

A senior Dunedin traffic engineer has found no problems with two bends on Portobello Rd blamed by police and nearby residents for a series of crashes.

Bruce Conaghan, from the Dunedin City Council, said yesterday he had checked the bends at Sunnybrae, about 5km from the Dunedin end of the road, after a crash in August and a call from Senior Constable Lox Kellas, of Portobello, for 45kmh advisory signs.

He considered from the marks on the road and the damage done to a tree that the car that crashed into Otago Harbour was "travelling a little bit faster than he should have for the conditions".

"Where the bend itself is, if you were travelling at an appropriate speed it's not a problem.

"There was nothing in there that really caught me out probably travelling close to the speed limit."

The driver of the car involved in the August crash claimed to have been travelling at less than the 70kmh limit and Snr Const Kellas described the bends as "notorious".

Mr Conaghan said a review of bends along the length of Portobello Rd, from Dunedin to Taiaroa Head, would be done and new "chevron" and advisory signs erected, if necessary, between January and March next year.

Part of the review would involve studying the crash history of the road over the past five years.

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