Blogger to start suppression lobby group

Blogger Cameron Slater
Blogger Cameron Slater
High-profile blogger Cameron Slater is to launch a new anti-suppression lobby group called Shame.

Slater made the announcement this morning, several hours before he was due back in court for breaching suppression orders.

Shame, which stands for Suppression Helps Abusers Make Excuses, would lobby for a change in suppression laws, he told TV One's Breakfast.

Slater said he was approached by a number of people, including Wanganui Mayor Michael Laws, to "affect change".

"There's a lot of support for my stance," he said.

"The first day after I appeared in court I had 400 emails, a lot of them from victims as well saying we support your stance, we want to name the people who abuse us."

Slater is facing five charges relating to breaching suppression orders, identifying two prominent New Zealanders accused in separate sex offence cases.

He is also under investigation for posting a coded message naming a person given suppression by Nelson District Court while on bail.

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