You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News National 0 Comments A man has died on board a ship at the port of Lyttelton today. Police were notified of the death about midday, acting Inspector Mike Jones of southern police communications said. It was not yet known how the man died. APNZ Related Stories Speaker pours water on MPs' Aotearoa complaints Ferry cancellation costed at $300m - for now Car thieves dodge spikes with caravan in tow Meth lab discovered in new Kāinga Ora home Manslaughter charge over 11yo girl's death Double-fatal crash driver on drugs: police Witnesses to highway assault sought NZ's economic missteps hasten exodus 'Go make a sandwich': Luxon on school lunch debacles Health redundancy payouts top $37m Rapist who assaulted teens can be named Christchurch Imam moving to Australia More Add a Comment Login or register to post comments.