Motorcycle event organisers cleared of wrongdoing

Motorcycle event organisers have been cleared of any wrongdoing after a young man died in a collision last year.

Motorcyclist Kerry Bates was 28 when he hit a motorbike left on the track at Manfeild after a separate accident at the Victoria Motorcycle Club event seconds earlier in June last year.

Mr Bates, of Upper Hutt, suffered a severe, traumatic head injury, and died in hospital 12 days later.

In her finding, released today, Coroner Carla Na Nagara said there was nothing event organisers at Manfeild Park could have done to prevent the tragedy.

The coroner said that after the first accident, the rider had no chance to remove a bike which was on the track about 1.2 metres from the edge.

"It was not safe for him to remove it, as numerous bikes were following him," she said in her finding.

Riders who followed the first bike crash had to navigate a corner, and most avoided the bike by riding to its inside, or taking what was called a "normal race line."

Mr Bates took a wide line, which Coroner Na Nagara said was also an appropriate manouevre.

Andrew Presant, who was clerk for the course that day, said there was nothing Mr Bates did incorrectly.

The coronial inquest also heard that it was possible Mr Bates was taking the "high line" to get clear of slower bikes.

Coroner Na Nagara said Mr Bates was an experienced rider.

The coroner said the crash was "the realisation of risk implicit in this sport" and nobody was to blame.

Mr Bates was a rail technician and first gained a motorcycle racing licence when he was 13.

Coroner Na Nagara extended her sympathies to Mr Bates' family and friends.


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