Footage taken in east Auckland's Botany on Friday shows the words "grant the visas" painted on the walls of Luxon's office in black.
An image of Luxon had also been targeted with a moustache and hair drawn on.
A spokesperson for Luxon said they were aware of the damage and it was a matter for police.
It was not the first time Luxon's office had been targeted, with red paint splashed on the walls in November and again in February, where the words "free Palestine" could be seen.
In the November incident, activist group Tāmaki for Palestine splashed the paint of Luxon's office and Epsom electorate office of ACT leader David Seymour.
Salim Arif, who lived in the area and drove past the office on Friday morning, said he was "sick of seeing vandalism in the area".
"It's been happening so much lately, his office has been targeted before but it's happening everywhere."
A police spokesperson said they "couldn't immediately" see any reports of vandalism in the area of the office.
Earlier this week, the government was urged to create a special humanitarian visa for Palestinians in Gaza with ties to the country.
More than 30 organisations - including World Vision, Save the Children and Greenpeace - sent an open letter to ministers, calling on them to step up support.