'Psychiatrist' exposed as drug smuggler

A Nigerian drug smuggler who fooled immigration officials to get a job as a psychiatrist at a health board was yesterday jailed for 16 months for immigration fraud.

Chidozie Emmanuel Onovo (40) failed to disclose he had a criminal past - he was imprisoned in 1999 for two years for importing 4.5kg of cannabis into the United Kingdom - when he applied in December 2008 for a New Zealand visa.

After arriving in New Zealand in January last year, Onovo got a work permit and was employed as a psychiatrist with the Canterbury District Health Board.

The board said no concerns were raised about his competency or treatment of patients.

It was not until August this year - after Onovo had applied for residency with an application denying any past offending - that he was found out.

Immigration checks revealed Onovo was a convicted drug smuggler, and when he claimed to have been working in the medical field in Nigeria, he was in fact serving his prison sentence in the United Kingdom.

Judge Gary McAskill, in the Christchurch District Court, said Onovo's crime challenged the integrity of the immigration system, and a sentence was required that deterred others from trying to dupe authorities.

Department of Labour prosecutor Shona Carr said it was a classic example of crime difficult to detect when a person's declarations were taken on face value.

Immigration New Zealand said the integrity of its system was paramount.

"[Onovo] presented a job offer and seemingly credible documents, including references from Nigerian hospitals but which, it turned out, were forged to cover for time when he was in jail in Britain for drug smuggling," Immigration head Nigel Bickle said.

"In residence applications, there is also a specific question relating to any involvement in drug trading or trafficking.

"He failed to declare his history and our inquiries found him out."

The Canterbury board said it went through all the required processes and routine checks before employing him.

"His credentials met the criteria for the position and included a certificate of good standing from the Irish Medical Council that showed at least three years of good practice in Ireland.

"Referee checks with doctors who had worked with Dr Onovo were also made by the agency that [the health board] used to fill his position.

"As with all serious incidents, [the board] is reviewing its procedures to see if there is anything that the organisation could have been done better."

Onovo failed to disclose to Immigration New Zealand that he had been to the United Kingdom or lived there for any period of time.

He also failed to tell authorities he had previously been declined a visa or denied entry to the United Kingdom.

Immigration would consider what action it should take upon Onovo's release, Mr Bickle said. - The New Zealand Herald

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