French 1-ton truck tested
Carters Motors recently landed a Renault 17.9 horsepower 30-35 hundredweight chassis of latest design. In the truck there are several features, one of the most interesting being the braking system. Two sets of brakes are provided — a hand brake, operating on the rear wheels, and the foot brake, operating on all four wheels through a ‘‘Servo’’ motor. This system claims to ensure compensative and even action. A steady pressure of the brake foot pedal as the vehicle is braked, which at first exerts upon the road wheels great power, becomes by the ‘‘Servo’’ system automatically less powerful aa the car slows up, thus producing an extraordinarily sweet braking action. — by ‘Accelerator’
My beautiful suit
On Christmas Eve two balloons bearing coupons entitling the holder to a suit were set adrift from a local tailoring establishment. A good wind caught the balloons, and they soared away over the city and were soon lost in the darkness. The firm received a telegram early on Saturday morning to the effect that one of the balloons had been found at Abbotsford. No word has yet been received as to the whereabouts of the second balloon.
NZ Wars movie planned
An agreement has been concluded with Princess Tepuea, on behalf of the Maoris, for the Native part of a Maori war film. Princess Tepuea is a descendant of Potatau, the first Maori king, and her people are the lineal descendants of the defenders of Orakau Pah, the valiant defence of which will form one of the chief incidents depicted. Mr James Cowan, the Government historian, will be in Ngaruawahia during the taking of the picture, and will supervise the production as regards its historical accuracy.
Body’s temperature ideal
If the best results are to be obtained from any form of heat for warming rooms or buildings, a big surface at a comparatively low temperature must be chosen in preference to a small surface at a high temperature. Temperatures of about 100deg Fahrenheit — i.e., which are comfortably warm to the hand, are found to be quite enough.
Winning battle against TB
It was recorded in the annual report of the Department of Health that the death rate from tuberculosis was lower than it had been in any preceding year. The campaign against this disease has produced fruit so welcome as to afford encouragement for the continued prosecution of it. Cleanliness, pure air, sunlight, healthy homes, clean milk and clean food generally are invaluable allies in the battle. And if in the near future there can be evolved an ‘‘absolute cure’’ capable of extensive application the definite triumph of the medical profession over a scourge that has played such havoc with the human race may take its place as one of the most notable achievements of our own times. — editorial — ODT, 29.12.1924