Election campaign proves bitter

A fine array of speckled beauties from Lake Wanaka: 78 trout, ranging in weight from 4lb to 16lb ...
A fine array of speckled beauties from Lake Wanaka: 78 trout, ranging in weight from 4lb to 16lb (1.814kg to 7.258kg), on view at the shop of Mr William Stewart, fishmonger, Princes St. The total weight of the fish was 520lb (235.8kg). - Otago Witness, 4.11.1908
It is becoming increasingly evident that the fight being waged between the License and No-license parties in Dunedin at the present time is one as bitter as the city has known during many election campaigns.

Each side has brought up all its reserves in anticipation of a keen contest.

The moves and counter-moves of each side are, of course, intended to influence voters, but whether they do so or do not, they certainly succeed in affording the public much cheap entertainment.

The no-license demonstration organised by the University students last night is a good instance of this.

It was rumoured that the proceedings would not be altogether calm, and before half-past 7 the Garrison Hall was packed with an eager crowd.

At 7.30 the doors were shut, and the thousands who congregated outside between that time and 8 o'clock stood disconsolately around and expressed their disappointment, or attended the overflow meetings in the Alhambra Theatre and Army Barracks.

Others made a vigorous assault on the big door, and only stout barricades and the timely intervention of the police prevented serious damage being done to the building. - ODT, 7.11.1908

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