Knox college to be formally opened

Mr Foong Lai Law, the assistant preacher at the Dunedin Chinese Church, who arrived from Canton...
Mr Foong Lai Law, the assistant preacher at the Dunedin Chinese Church, who arrived from Canton last month. Photo ODT files.
The Hon Mr Fowlds (Minister of Education), accompanied by his private secretary (Mr W. Crow) arrived in Dunedin yesterday afternoon by the first express from the north.

Today Mr Fowlds will formally open Knox College, situate in the North-East Valley, and will attend the reception which is to be given thereto in the afternoon by the Rev W. Hewitson, master of the college, and Mrs Hewitson.

Tomorrow Mr Fowlds will confer with the governors of the college on a number of questions connected with the institution in certain branches of the work of the college.

Wanganui: Once more has Wanganui been thrown into a fever of excitement at the prospect of regaining the world's sculling championship, and once more has its hope been shattered.

Webb, in the pink of condition, with his closest friends saying that he is at the topmost pinnacle of his rowing form, has been beaten conclusively by Richard Arnst, of Tai Tapu, who achieved so signal a victory over Wanganui's champion in December last.

Webb was beaten by five lengths, but Arnst had to put up a world's record to do it, the champion of the world cutting out the three miles and a-quarter in 18min 15sec.

London: Colonel S. F. Cody, at Aldershot, in his new aeroplane, made a circular flight of a mile and a-half at the height of 20ft.

He made three sharp turns.

The Morning Post appeals to the public for 20,000 to present a dirigible to the nation.

France is building four large dirigibles, Belgium one, and Spain one-all of French manufacture.

Germany is building one of 500 horsepower.

The Parliamentary Aerial Defence Committee states that an airship of 227,500 cubic feet capacity is approaching completion, and it is hoped that it will sail from Paris to London before the parliamentary session concludes.

The committee has secured the option of the purchase of the vessel for the nation.

It has two propellers and motors, each of 220 horse-power, and carries a supply of petrol for a 700-mile journey.

It can carry 25 passengers, and can attain a speed of 35 to 40 miles an hour.

The Daily Mail offers 5000 to build a garage to enable the airship to remain in England until the test




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