A recommendation is made that a new prison for males be built in the country, surrounded by plenty of land, which would give employment to long-sentence prisoners who are found unsuitable for transfers to tree-planting prisons.
New Plymouth complains that supposed lunatics and delirium tremens cases are still sent to the gaol, and Invercargill points out that there all such cases are at once sent to the district hospital.
The Probation Act has been working satisfactorily. There were 12 escapes during the year.
Reporting on the Dunedin Prison the gaoler says: - "The health of the prisoners has been excellent.
"Practically there were no sickness during the year. Two male prisoners were removed to the public hospital.
"They were in a poor state of health when received, and their sentences expired while they were detained in the institution.
"One hard-labour prisoner who showed signs of mental aberration was sent to the Seacliff Mental Hospital and after a brief period he was returned to the prison as convalescent.
"The contractors for supplies have given every satisfaction, all the articles being of excellent quality. There were no complaints.
"The prisoners at Taiaroa Heads Prison are employed quarrying and excavating for mounting big guns, also for magazines for the storage of explosives and reserve stores.
"The mat-making industry in the town-prison is making good progress. The work is very satisfactory."
• The Marine Department takes a hopeful view of the whaling industry.
The annual report states that the Chief Inspector of Fisheries is of opinion that whaling on modern lines - i.e. from whale factories - would mean establishing a very important industry, as a large amount of capital would be invested in buildings and plant, and a large number of persons would be employed in manufacturing the various products obtained from the whale.
Whales have been very little disturbed during the last 30 years and from information received from officers of steamers, they are plentiful round the coasts and south of New Zealand.
- ODT, 11.10.1909.