Airport project website welcomed by group

Tarras residents wanting information about the proposed Central Otago international airport will soon have a dedicated project website as a "go-to source".

In the latest update from Christchurch International Airport, project director Michael Singleton said those involved were acutely aware of the project’s potential impact, which was why they were taking the time to explore options so information was well-researched and considered.

Mr Singleton said they were working hard investigating options regarding flight paths and runway alignment and expected to be able to release an update in June or July.

In the meantime, they would have a project website go live soon, "which will provide you with a go-to source of accurate information on the project", he said.

Sustainable Tarras Inc spokesman Chris Goddard said it was positive the airport company had recognised there were rumours in the community and wanted to provide a single source of truth on the website.

"Whether against the airport, supportive or on the fence, all the community agrees on the need to share the actual facts around the project."

In the update, Mr Singleton said airport executives met more than 120 people over the two days of information drop-in sessions held at Tarras Community Hall last month.

Mr Goddard said that now the project was fully resourced and also open to sharing details, "we encourage the new Christchurch Airport project team to quickly post the answers to the Tarras and Upper Clutha communities’ questions [raised at those drop-in sessions]".

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