Students were recognised for their achievements in the 2023 Waitaki Girls' High School senior school prizegiving.
Cultural Awards
Waitaki Girls' High School 2023 Dux Max Geddis.

Milan Beattie, (The Warwick Newton Memorial Trophy for Contribution to School Music),
Academic Awards
Year 11
Lucy Strang (2nd Agriculture) Pelenatita Fifita (2nd Art), Graces Brydes (2nd Business Studies), Hazel Turner (2 Food and Nutrition, Ruby Lowrey (2nd History), Neave Meikle (2nd Music), Johanna Schoneveld (Year 11 Writing Prize), Olive Haywood (1st Digital Technology, Sophie Spittle (1st Food and Nutrition), Emily Morrison (1st Music), Dannielle Dennison (1st Physical Education), Corbyn Coles (1st Transition), Sophie Rohrbach (Diligence Award in History, Music and Science), Bella Morarity (1st Textiles Technology, Diligence in Food and Nutrition, Mathematics, Physical Education and Science, receives the Principal's Award for Progress and Diligence), Neve Mavor (2nd Geography, 2nd Textiles Technology), Hanna Strachan (2nd Mathematics, 2nd Physical Education), Abby Hayes (2nd Digital Technology, 1st Geography) Kaitlyn O’Donnell (2nd Life Science, 2nd Transition, 1st Mathematics for Life), Phoebe Wang (2nd English, 1st Agriculture, 1st Japanese), Cerys Thomas (1st Mathematics, 1st Art, 1st Te Reo Māori, 2nd English, Mei-Li Hayes (2nd Science, 1st English- the Year 11 English Prize, 1st Yr 12 Mathematics), Molly O’Sullivan (1st Business Studies, 1st History, 1st Science, Academic Excellence in Yr 11).
Year 12
Molly Grant (Principal’s Award for Progress & Diligence in Digital Technology, English & Geography), Coco Enomoto (International Graduation Diploma), Senami Oh (International Graduation Diploma), Nonaka Takahashi (International Graduation Diploma), Brooke Taylor (2nd Accounting), Katelyn Sime (2nd Agriculture), Riley Coles (2nd Art – Photography), Hannah Shallish (2nd Economics), Natalie Bedford (2nd Food & Nutrition), Anna Mansfield (2nd History), Aaliyah Bolton (2nd Mathematics for Life Yr 11), Iza Brazil (2nd Mathematics and Statistics & Diligence Awards for Agriculture, English and Digital Technology), Kate Mortimer (2nd Music), Georgina Carter-Trotman (2nd Physics), Kyala Fisilau (2nd Practical Physical Education), Poppy Wraight (2nd Textiles Technology), Navanah van Deldon (2nd Transition), Hannah Lewis (2nd Dual Enrolment – Ara Hospitality), Ofa Tokai (Yr 12 Writing Prize), Aroha Wooldridge (1st Dual Enrolment – ARA Hospitality), Kalani Fisilau (1st Art – Design), Willow Brew (1st Art – Painting), Hosanna Smith (1st Art – Photography), Georgia Nichols (1st Gateway), Jordon Ingram (1st Practical Physical Education), Milan Beattie (1st Music, the Warwick Newton Memorial Trophy for Contribution to School Music), Mercedes Kennedy (2nd Digital Technology, 2nd Tourism), Sophie Notman (2nd Geography, 2nd Physical Education), Lily Gifford (2nd Art – Painting , 1st Bridging Mathematics), Emily Mavor (1st Food & Nutrition, The Dora Meikle Prize 1st Physical Education), Maddy Phillips (1st Agriculture, 1st Biology), Luka Lavell (2nd Art – Design, 2nd Biology, The Loris McLeod Plate for 1st in Digital Technology), Olivia Hollows (2nd Mathematics Bridging, 1st Tourism, 1st Transition), Allie Senior (1st Accounting, 1st Economics, 1st Textiles Technology), Charlotte Lane (1st History, 1st Mathematics & Statistics, The Dean & Coleman Law Prize for 1st in Year 13 English), Rhiannon Thomas (2nd Online Chinese, 2nd Chemistry, 2nd Mathematics, 1st Physics, 1st Geography, 1st Year 13 Music , the Noeline Thomson Memorial Prize for Music, Oamaru Youth Orchestra Prize for Contribution to Orchestra, Anika Hayes (1st Chemistry, The Yr 12 Prize for 1st in English, 1st in Yr 13 Biology, 1st in Yr 13 Mathematics with Calculus, Yr 12 Spanish excellence, Yr 13 French excellences, Kathleen Allan Memorial Trophy for academic excellence.
Year 13
Saskia Breinesse-Little (2nd Mathematics with Calculus, 1st Digital Technology), Sol Cunningham (1st Art – Photography), Rebecca Dorsey (1st Food & Nutrition, 1st Media Studies, 1st Textiles Technology), Sophie Ewing (2nd Tourism, 1st Transition), Michelle Fairbairn (2nd English, Yr 13 Progress & Diligence in Accounting, Mathematics with Statistics, History), Lousiale Fifita (2nd Geography), Max Geddis (1st Art Design, 1st Digital Technology, 2nd Media Studies, The Wilfred Kerr Cup for Humanities for achievement in English and Media Studies, Georgia Hawkins ( 1st Economics, 1st Mathematics with Statistics, 1st Agriculture, 2nd Biology, 1st Chemistry, Joyce Jarrold Memorial Prize for Top Science Student), Holly Ross (2nd Accounting, 1st History), Holly Horn (1st Geography), Sarah Jamison (2nd Physical Education, Casey Kinns (2nd Mathematics with Statistics, 2nd History, 1st in Accounting - Mrs DVG Smith’s Prize), Jessica Lake (1st Gateway), Methmi Madawala (2nd Art – Photography, The Photolife Photography Award), Noa Smith (2nd Textiles Technology, 2nd Art – Design, 2nd Art – Painting) Emma Spittle (2nd Chemistry, 2nd Economics, 1st Physics), Renee Stenning (2nd Food & Nutrition, Noeline Thomson Prize for 1st in Physical Education), Brooke Warden (1st Tourism).
Leadership Awards
Sarah Jamison, Eden Gilchrist (Burn House Leaders), Max Geddis, Lousiale Fifita (Ferguson House Leaders), Mia Davison, Saskia Brienesse-Little (Gibson House Leaders), Emma Fox, Georgia Hawkins (Wilson House Leaders), Emma Spittle (Academic Leader), Holly Ross (Cultural Leader), Casey Kinns (Service Leader), Mya Nicol (Sports Leaders) Jessica Lake (Head Boarder), Renee Stenning (Deputy Head Girl), Rebecca Dorsey (Head Girl).
Service Awards
Michelle Fairbairn (Service to Canteen), EnvioSchool (Conservation Challenge Trophy) Rebecca Dorsey (Senior service to school), Technicians (Group Effort), Allie Senior (SVA top volunteer award), Casey Kinns (Rotary Club Cup for Service to Community), Emma Fox (Pat McNeil Memorial Cup for most inspiring Senior in Sport).
Tertiary and Special Awards
Max Geddis (Eunice Brown Scholarship), Navanah Kennedy (Prime Ministers’ Vocational and Excellence Award), Michelle Fairbairn (The Mana Pounamu Award and Violet Monteath Award), Emma Spittle (Masonic Charitable Trust Scholarship, Futures Tertiary Award), Lousiale Fifita (Oamaru Pacific Island Community Group Overall Excellence Award, Student Representative on Board of Trustees and Service to School), Holly Ross (Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award, Altrusa Lynette Young Memorial Award, Class Act, University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship, Eunice Brown Scholarship), Renee Stenning (Iris Romans’ Scholarship, Futures Trust Tertiary Award, Principal’s Choice – Leadership & Inspiration Award), Georgia Hawkins (Eunice Brown Scholarship).
Honours Awards
Dux House - Burn, Senior Sport Dux – Emma Spittle, Senior Cultural Dux - Anika Hayes, All around Excellence - Georgia Hawkins, Proxime Accessit – Rebecca Dorsey, Dux of School – Max Geddis.