Health campus transformation still under study

The Southern District Health Board is still vague on the goal of transforming Lakes District Hospital into a health campus, more than two years after such a move was recommended by the National Health Board (NHB).

The SDHB yesterday said in a statement it was working through the 21 NHB recommendations based on the ''clinical priorities'' of Wakatipu residents to get the best use of SDHB resources.

''We are continuing to work closely with the Wakatipu reference group to ensure that every step of the way we are making decisions which best serve the health needs of the local community,'' the statement said.

''We look forward to being able to update the community in the new year regarding the services and facilities that will be provided to the area in due course.''

The SDHB declined to give further statements and did not nominate a spokesperson for interview.

Chairwoman Vanessa van Uden said this week the Wakatipu Health Reference Group was ''keeping the pressure'' on the SDHB to install a CT scanner, or similar non-invasive diagnostic service, in Lakes District Hospital.

The group, which includes a SDHB liaison person, has been working with the DHB in terms of the whole campus development of the Frankton hospital and the opportunities for different diagnostic services within it.

The panel recommended the SDHB ''extends an open invitation to appropriate health providers to relocate to the Lakes District Hospital site, supporting the development of better integration of care on a health campus.''

The panel said the board should encourage more service integration, ''including sharing of resources, stronger clinical engagement between Dunstan and Lakes District Hospital and the development of clinical pathways and IT solutions.''


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