Eve McKenzie

How did it feel to be elected as head student?
I found out I was elected head prefect about an hour before our end-of-year prizegiving for 2023. It was an unexplainable feeling. I experienced so many different emotions at the time. I was super excited and grateful for the honour of being chosen for this leadership position, however I knew this was going to be a huge responsibility. I was nervous for what my year was going to bring but I knew with the right attitude, determination, and pride, I would be able to make the most out of the year while still representing the school to the best of my ability.
What are your interests and hobbies?
My interests and hobbies are working on the farm at home, playing sports and hanging out with friends and family.
What attributes do you think you will bring to the role?
I am a hardworking and dedicated student at St Peter’s College and I display the attributes of empathy, kindness, integrity, honesty and loyalty, which are all values I wish to bring to the role of head girl for this year.
Can you see any challenges and what could they be?
I hope for the year to be as smooth-sailing as possible, however I am aware there will be a few challenges and obstacles ahead. I feel as though a few of these could come from conflict and how we deal with it — this is something I think we may experience from the others in our year group as we will not be able to find solutions for every situation that satisfies everyone. I’m sure there are other challenges I personally will face throughout the year, as well as challenges we as a leadership team will face, but I think with motivation, determination and diligence we will be able to overcome the majority of the challenges 2024 brings us.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years’ time I am hoping to have gained a bachelor of education majoring in early childhood through the University of Otago and I wish to be successfully pursuing my dream of teaching in an early childhood centre.
Daniel Kovarski
How did it feel to be elected as head student? When did you find out?
I was quite nervous about being elected as head boy. We were supposed to be told two hours before our prizegiving, but I didn’t get an email as promised. After talking with my class mates, it turns out everyone but myself and the now head girl, Eve, all got letters saying they didn’t receive the role. This led me to being stressed until 15 minutes before the prizegiving where we finally got the email from our principal telling us we got the role. Overall it was quite nerve-racking due to uncertainty of if I got it or not.
What are your interests and hobbies?
I have a few different hobbies: I play piano, I take photos, I like to walk and bike and I box. I try to read when I can, but I often procrastinate on that.
What attributes do you think you will bring to the role?
I am a confident speaker, doing public speaking exams and debate at school, so I think I will be a good representative of our school in that way. I think that will also be of good help when being a leader throughout our school. So I hope to bring strong leadership to the role as well.
Can you see any challenges and what could they be?
There are many challenges ahead for sure. I have never had a leadership role of the same level before, so I will be learning lots of things as I go. Organising our ball is definitely a big challenge that is just around the corner.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I hope to go to the University of Canterbury for engineering, so I guess in five years’ time I will either still be there or graduating, hopefully!
The Ensign was provided with the incorrect name for last week’s profile of one of the Menzies College head pupils. Talia Moody is the correct name of the school’s head girl.