Disc golf a fun, low-cost activity for all

When we sat down as a team and thought about what we could do to encourage families to get active in the recent school holidays, we thought about the feedback we have gathered over time.

Our communities have told us they are looking for things that are fun, family-friendly, free or low cost, able to be done in their own time and easily accessible. Cue disc golf!

New Zealand Disc Golf’s website describes disc golf as "a recreational sport played to broadly similar rules as traditional ball golf" where "instead of balls and clubs players throw plastic discs into standing metal baskets".

Did you know we have a full disc golf course at Dolamore Park, "have-a-go" type nets at the park opposite Gore Main School, and a new course on its way for Hamilton Park too? We are very lucky to have a handful of talented locals in the district who have worked with council staff to design and develop our very own local disc golf opportunities.

When planning how to make it easy for Gore locals to have a go, I thought about discs. When you are starting something new, I always like a good "have-a-go" option before needing to spend too much money. So, if you make your way to the Gore main park (at the Gardens end) or into the kitchen kiosk at Dolamore Park, you’ll find some white baskets with discs you can borrow. Once you are done, pop them back so they are ready for the next people.

I’m doing my best to check the baskets and ensure discs are there, but let me know if they aren’t — eastern@activesouthland.co.nz — and I’ll make sure they are restocked ready for people to enjoy. Have fun out there!

Active Southland eastern active co-ordinator Gemma O’Neill