The long-running saga regarding new signs at both ends of the Mataura township may come to a successful conclusion by the end of the year.
The signs have been something of a soap opera in the town over the past couple of decades.
But Gore district councillor Neville Phillips, of Mataura, said he hoped by Christmas the signs would finally be finished and looking the part.
"Mind you I said that just before last Christmas and it didn’t happen. But things are looking good and all going well we should have it all set to go by Christmas."
The new signs had gone up around Christmas last year and were expected to be fine, but the colours did not quite stand out so there was a change.
The latest issue delaying completion has been the need to modify the resin river components on both signs.
The resin, which resembles the Mataura River on the sign, had buckled in changeable temperatures, leading to the inserts cracking.
The replacement resin river inserts were manufactured again and painted but the colour did not reflect the Mataura River.
Cr Phillips and a council staff member then went to the paint factory to help get the colour right.
This week it is hoped the replacement river insert on the southern sign will be put in place, the river insert on the northern sign will be fitted and the corten steel eel motifs on both signs attached near the bottom.
From there the final part will be taken on by Cr Phillips, who will paint a couple of finishing touches.
"They say if you want something done then do it yourself so I suppose that is what I am doing."
Cr Phillips does some part-time work for the council contractor in the area. He hoped for the signs to be ready to go by Christmas.
The idea for new signs first got an airing in 2003.
"The town was looking a bit rough, a bit tired so they had a public meeting and one of the things which cropped up was new signs.
"So it was decided but it has taken a while. We tried, and tried, and tried again. Things happened, staff turned over, other issues came along," he said.
"It will be well worth the wait."
He said Mataura was on the up with the Tulloch Park development and a big splash pad being installed.
How much the saga of the signs cost was yet to be finalised, Cr Phillips said.