Community events at Dunedin Venues

There is a lot happening at Dunedin Venues this month, with something on almost every day at either Forsyth Barr Stadium or the Dunedin Centre, including an exciting range of community events.

Kicking off the month was the Dunedin Marathon on 1 September. With support from our Community Access Grant all courses finished under the roof creating a fabulous feeling of celebration and community for competitors and supporters alike.

The Halberg Foundation Everybody in Sport Day will take place at the Stadium on 10 September. This important day provides a chance for young people with a physical, visual or hearing impairment to try a range of sports including wheelchair basketball and tabletop cricket.

At the Dunedin Centre, Michael Houstoun plays Mozart is the next Dunedin Symphony Orchestra concert. They will perform at the Town Hall on 21 September.

These events are just an example of the large number of community events our Community Access Grant supports each year.

Applications are now open until the end of September for the next round of Community Event Funding – for events to be held between January and June 2020. This funding can be used to fully or partly fund event costs such as venue hire and security.

If you have a community event you’d like to host at either Forsyth Barr Stadium or the Dunedin Centre head to our website for more information.