Potpourri Vegetarian Café Birdseed Bar (Gluten Free)

3 cups raw peanuts, toasted
¾ cup sesame seeds
2 cups shredded coconut
2 cups raisins
1 cup dried cranberries
1½ cups sunflower seeds
1½ cups pumpkin seeds
½ cup honey
1 cup brown sugar
200g butter
Toast peanuts in oven for 12 minutes at 180deg, then combine all seeds
and fruit in a Bowl. Put honey, brown sugar and butter in pot and slowly
combine. Bring to boil, testing until getting to soft ball stage (use a sugar
thermometer. It is at soft ball stage when it reaches 118degC or when you
drop a bit of it into cold water to cool it down, it will form a soft ball.)
Add to dry ingredients and mix well to combine. Press Firmly into a lined
30cm x 20cm tin and allow to set in fridge.
Cut to size when firm.
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Food Delivery & Pick Up Guide Otago