Fires spur police rubbish reminder

Police are reminding residents not to leave bags of rubbish lying around, after a spate of fires in the city.

"People need to be aware that we have had some issues with people lighting rubbish," Detective Sergeant Brett Roberts, of the Dunedin CIB, said.

"Leaving it lying around has made it too easy for people."

In the latest incident, a rubbish bag was taken and set alight at the rear of George St stores on Monday at 4pm.

"It was unlikely to be a discarded cigarette, put it that way.

"It concerns me because there are so many flats in that area."

Bags of rubbish were also set fire in South Dunedin, one outside a church on the corner of Melbourne and King Edward Sts at 3.40pm on Sunday, and another in a rubbish bin at Queen's High School at 3.40pm on Monday.

The two South Dunedin fires were possibly linked, he said.

Anyone who witnessed anything suspicious at the time of the fires was asked to contact Dunedin police.

Det Sgt Roberts said a College St property was damaged late last month, after rubbish bags were piled up and set alight.

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