Pacific Blue expected to announce Hamilton flights

Air New Zealand rival Pacific Blue is expected to announce details tomorrow about the introduction of services from Hamilton Airport.

The Christchurch-based company, a subsidiary of Virgin Blue, has been operating Boeing 737 services at the country's four main airports for 18 months, but has hinted at plans to increase its services.

Last month it took a 104-seat Embraer 190 E-Jet on a tour of the country's regional airports.

General manager Adrian Hamilton-Manns said the aircraft had been used by Virgin Blue on domestic Australian routes and could be ideal for international regional routes or New Zealand domestic operations.

The company is understood to have been in talks with regional airports including Hamilton, Palmerston North and Rotorua.

A spokesman declined to give details of tomorrow's announcement but said it would be good news for air commuters in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions.

Mr Hamilton-Manns last month said regional fares had been uncompetitive in the past as there was only one player, Air New Zealand and its subsidiaries.