Govt still backing cancer vaccine

Women are still being advised by the Government to use the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil after a United States report raised some minor concerns about it.

The vaccine blocks four types of the virus that causes cervical cancer and the reports show it mainly caused mild side effects in adolescent girls such as fainting, dizziness and nausea.

There were very low rates of more serious problems after girls were given the vaccine. There were one or two cases per million girls of death, severe allergic reaction, dangerous blood clots or nerve injury that can cause paralysis.

Health Minister Tony Ryall said the safety of the Gardasil vaccine was being continuously monitored in New Zealand.

Up to August 14, 162,000 doses of Gardasil had been given in New Zealand, and there were 166 reported adverse events.

"Of these adverse events, only one is classified as serious. I am advised that it is considered unlikely this event was caused by the vaccine," Mr Ryall said.

"Authorities are clear, based on our experience in New Zealand, they consider that the benefits of Gardasil in the prevention of cervical cancer clearly outweigh the possible risks of side effects."

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