Summer in New Zealand, and what does Christopher Luxon do about it? He goes fishing. Unbelievable.
And worse, he does it in a boat. How tone-deaf is that? There he is, fishing, at sea, in a boat that would be better put to some practical use, like housing. How many families could have been given accommodation in his floating pleasure palace? The number is probably incalculable.
Ordinary Kiwis cannot relate to this man.
Summer in New Zealand, and what does Golriz Gharaman do about it? She goes shoplifting. Or is thought to have gone shoplifting. Unbelievable.
And worse, she was alleged to have done it at Pak’nSave. How tone-deaf is that? There she is, shoplifting, or thought to have gone shoplifting, at a supermarket, at a time of rising costs and job losses which brings untold stress and anxiety.
Ordinary Kiwis cannot relate to this woman.
Christopher Luxon opens his state of the nation address by applauding — himself. But no-one else joins in. It’s the sound of one hand clapping.
He should think about what ordinary Kiwis would do if they ever got their hands on him. They would slap his ears, and hold him underwater. They would cut out his heart. They would tear him limb from limb.
Meanwhile he sends troubled youth to boot camps, where they are at risk of violence.

The news that Jacinda Ardern will publish her book this year should send a frightening message to ordinary Kiwis. How many New Zealanders suffered during her reign of terror? How many lives were lost? And yet her book reinforces the lie that she ruled with "kindness".
Tell the people who lost their homes, jobs, health, family that she knows the meaning of kindness!
But bookstores will stock the book, and sell it to young New Zealanders who will take heart and hope in her inspirational teachings, and want to bring their idealism and convictions to politics. Nothing good will come of this.
So Christopher Luxon refuses to go to Waitangi. He claims he will have better things to do. Unbelievable.
He’ll probably go fishing, in his boat, that pleasure palace no doubt fully stocked with the best white wines, and mountains of cigars. He’ll sit out there, at sea, the sun on his face, a fish at the end of the line, not a care in the world — and expect that ordinary New Zealanders will be able to relate to that.
We can only hope that a shark attacks his luxury liner.
A column by Richard Prebble makes a good case for a New Zealand Magna Carta to contain power and protect freedoms that Māori are intent on destroying based on the fallacy they came here first.
Stats NZ reveals six major ethnic groups in New Zealand and over 130 different nationalities — our own United Nations. Māori are only one of these groups. It seems that an Equal Rights Bill for all New Zealanders is something that would advance integration and protect all of our peoples, not just Māori.
Nelson Mandela brought in equal rights for all South Africans and the world praised him for it. Now it is New Zealand’s turn. It’s something ordinary Kiwis can relate to, especially the white ones — and the ancestors of those brave seafarers who first discovered these shores.
By Steve Braunias