McArthur returns home

Dick McArthur
Dick McArthur
Alexandra man Dick McArthur, who was seriously injured in a fall last November, has returned to the town from a rehabilitation unit at Christchurch.

Mr McArthur (69) spent eight and a-half months at the Burwood spinal unit after falling 10m down a cliff while gardening last year.

He was trimming shrubs on his property in Taylor Pl, just above Centennial Park, when he lost his footing.

As well as spinal injuries, which have left him a tetraplegic, Mr McArthur suffered broken ribs, a damaged spleen and a broken shoulder blade.

Mr McArthur and his wife Beth are life members of the Central Otago Merino Stud Breeders, and he is a former president of the New Zealand Golden Fleece Fine Wool Society.

Mr McArthur is also well known in curling circles, holding the position of My Lord at the curlers' court.

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