Discussion tabled on pumping station renovations

An upgrade of one of the Queenstown Lakes District Council's "critical" wastewater infrastructure components will be discussed by the infrastructure services committee tomorrow.

The Frankton beach wastewater pumping station on the Wakatipu lakefront requires "major renovations" but it cannot be shut down for any longer than an hour without the risk of "major sewage overflows" into Lake Wakatipu, which would lead to serious environmental consequences.

The report from project manager Lane Vermaas said alternatives had been considered to minimise risks, with the most robust solution considered to be the construction of a second pumping station near the existing one, with the installation of stand-by power for both.

"This will eliminate the high risk factor currently present as the two pump stations will be able to function independently or together," he said.

The cost of the project is $2,990,000, with $1,377,945 allocated in the 2010-11 annual plan and $1,669,698 in the 2011-12 council community plan.

It is proposed to construct the pumping station this winter when the lake level is lowest and allowing both years' funding to be used.

Design flows for the new pumping station have been based on Rationale's hydraulic model through to 2059.

On completion, each station would be able to handle the current 2011 peak wet weather flows individually.

Combined, they could handle the estimated peak flows in 2056.

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