Health help from runner

When runner Allison Roe gave birth to her first child by emergency Caesarean section nearly 19 years ago, a fetal heart monitor was used to monitor the health of her daughter.

Now, Roe (51) is helping the Upper Clutha Lions Club raise money for the district's first fetal heart monitor.

The district is undergoing a baby boom with at least 130 babies delivered already this year.

Roe will be in Wanaka next Thursday to talk at a fundraising event and auction at Edgewater Resort.

Roe, who won the 1981 Boston and New York marathons and has also held national titles in cross-country, triathlon and cycling, is now an Auckland businesswoman and mother of two, Jordyn (18) and Elliott (15), and is a keen promoter of healthy lifestyles for women.

"I got involved a few years ago when I noticed breast cancer rates were alarming.

"Now there's evidence whole-food consumption and running or walking can prevent cancer by about 60% and some scientists say it could be up to 90%," Roe said this week.

Roe has formed the Allison Roe Trust, which supports holistic projects to prevent illness and promote good health.



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