Strong opposition to draft bylaw

Submissions on the draft Control of Activities and Obstructions in Public Places Bylaw will be heard by a Queenstown Lakes District Council subcommittee on Monday.

A total of 36 written submissions were received, seven in support, 26 in opposition, and two neutral. One was withdrawn.

The Queenstown Chamber of Commerce's submission says the bylaw is "unnecessary", and the restriction on distribution of printed material could contravene the Bill of Rights.

The chamber requested the bylaw be rewritten into a more "co-operative and friendly" document. It said the bylaw should be modified to extend the minimum time allowed for mobile food traders to be in one place from 20 minutes to one hour, and to remove the clause allowing adjacent business owners to request a busker to move on.

Many submitters raised concerns about the requirement for printed-material vending boxes to have permits. They said the boxes were an important form of street advertising in a tourist town.

One submitter said the bylaw was "anti-business and anti-competitive" and another said busking added vibrancy to any town and should be encouraged.

Arrowtown Village Association Inc made a submission in support of the proposed bylaw.

A report to the hearing committee by QLDC monitoring and compliance officer Peter Daly recommends the draft be changed as a result of the submissions.

Changes include removing the proposed restrictions on printed-material vending containers.

"Given the opposition to the proposed restrictions . . . it is my recommendation that the current system remains," he said.

He also recommended a proposed condition on busking permits, for buskers to move on if justifiably requested to do so by adjacent business owners, be removed.

"It is more appropriate for any enforcement to be undertaken by a council enforcement officer rather than an adjoining business owner."

He also agreed with the chamber's submission regarding mobile food outlets.

Ten submitters will speak at the hearing at the council chambers at 9.30am on Monday.


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