Refurbished school has it all

Balclutha Primary School's 145-year-old establishment now includes many modern luxuries, after a million-dollar refurbishment recently.

The school was built in 1865 and last had its interior remodelled in 1989, principal Paddy Ford said.

The upgrade had been planned five years ago but a special needs funding application was made, which took three years to approve.

Not that he was complaining, Mr Ford said.

When asked what the school got, he smiled and replied: "What didn't we get? We got everything."

The list included cabling, lighting, carpets, a quiet room, a ramp and a lift for pupils with mobility issues.

The improvements came on top of a $380,000 upgrade to the school's toilets, $106,000 in earthquake strengthening, $81,000 upgrading the hall and $24,000 in information technology upgrades, with help from the school board and the Community Trust of Otago.

"It enhances our ability to deliver the special needs programme. We have a very good special needs programme, and those children have a purpose-built school now."

The refurbishment also helped the school to administer the curriculum, and provided an attractive environment, he said.



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